Authors of abstracts submitted and accepted for 30th Meeting of Fodder Crops and Amenity grasses sections are invited to prepare full length papers. Papers will be published in a Springer book as proceedings after a peer-reviewing process. The proceedings will include invited papers and all submitted and accepted offered papers. Full papers manuscripts have to be provided to the Scientific Committee either by email before the conference or at the latest at the registration desk at the beginning of the conference in order to be included in the reviewing process and publish in Springer book.

Please prepare your full paper manuscripts (up to 4 A4 pages for offered and up to 8 A4 pages for invited papers) in single MS Word file, in standard English, following precise instructions for papers preparing given on Springer website. There you can download Manuscript Guidelines and Word template for precise preparing of your contribution. Authors can open template and write text directly in it, or format written text according given instructions.

Authors are responsible for the scientific content and layout. Papers needing major revision will be sent back to the author(s).

Authors should be aware that submitted papers reviewing and printing will not be possible without personal presence at the Meeting.

You can download all documents for full paper formatting directly here in WinRaR archive.

Also you can download Sample of full paper here.