The 30th EUCARPIA Meeting will gather scientists and practical breeders from all around Europe and the world. It will cover various issues in fodder crops and turfs breeding, genetic resources, population genetics and variability, genetic progresses, multifunctional use of forage species, molecular biology and strategies and implementation of new biotechnology methods in breeding.

Offered paper submission

You are kindly invited to offer paper for oral or poster presentation for the Eucarpia Fodder crop and amenity grasses section 2013 Meeting. To do so, you are invited to register and send an abstract (one page, see Instructions and sample below). After you upload the abstract, a confirmation message will be sent on your e-mail. The deadline for abstract submission is postponed to December the 1st, 2012.

The Scientific Committee will select the oral contributions based on the submitted abstracts. Authors will be informed by the end of February 2013.

A book of Abstracts including invited papers and all accepted offered papers (both oral and poster presentations) will be available to the participants at the beginning of the conference in the meeting material.

Instructions for abstracts (one page):

Abstract must be sent in a single .doc or .docx file. Abstracts should be written in standard English in MS Word, page size A4 (21 x 29,7 cm), font Times New Roman 12 pt., and single line spacing throughout. The margins should be 2.5 cm. Authors are responsible for the content and layout.

Title (bold)
Author’s full name (first name + surname)
Affiliation(s) / Address(es) /e-mail of corresponding author
Abstract: up to 350 words
References: up to 3 key references may be given at the end of the abstract following standard style for the references present below.

Bolaric, S., Barth, S., Melchinger, A.E., Posselt, U.K. 2005. Molecular characterization of genetic diversity in European germplasm of perennial ryegrass. Euphytica 146:39-44.
Boller, B., Greene, S.L., 2010. Genetic resources. In: Boller, B. et al. (eds.), Handbook of Plant Breeding, Vol. 5, Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses, Springer, New York, pp. 13-37.


Deadline for abstract submission is December the 1st, 2012
Deadline for lower registration fee is December 31st, 2012